Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Found it!!

Who the heck could have figured out that Python needed a system module in order to show its own version?
python -c "import sys; print (sys.version[:3])"
I humbly think this is pure madness!

Is there a better way to do this shit!?
Your comments are very appreciated!!
And sorry for the fucking language. As you may have noticed, English is not my native tongue and this is not a god day.

Final comments...
No more coffee for today. Rum and expanding my iptables knowledge sounds just fine [WINK!]

1 comment:

  1. mmm sigo intentándolo con python y no me gusta... jeje
    hay muchas librerías que es bastante complicado hacer funcionar...
    incluso en w..fuck hacer funcionar el módulo de apache no es nada fácil
    (es más.. ayer le gasté media hora a eso y no funcionó... :PS: )
